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Elements of writing great content

Seven key elements of writing great content

Learn the seven key elements of writing great content

To be confident of generating the best possible response, turn your copy into a presentation that attracts your prospects, keeps them riveted with interesting arguments and persuades them to respond in the way you want with 7 key elements of writing copy. Here are the seven key elements of writing copy:


1: The headline

Create a compelling hook to bring the visitor to your copy. 

With a strong benefit orientated headline, you’ll capture the attention of the kind of visitor you want to read your copy. If you have an offer or a strong purpose behind the article, include this in the headline to increase the response even more.

Writing Styles

2: The promise

Set the scene with the reason why the visitor should read on. 

This will be the purpose or agenda of the copy you are presenting to the visitor. By outlining what the rest of the copy is about and what the visitor will gain by reading it, you are helping them to make the decision whether they should stay on this page, or click away. Either way this is a healthy state, as the visitor will know what the page is about and the frustration of trying to find the detail they are interested in will be avoided.


3: The benefits

Present the arguments and what the specific benefits the reader will get. 

This can be achieved by converting your product or service features into benefits tuned specifically to the type of visitor you are looking for. Keep them riveted by following a logical and organised path that outlines the message you are discussing. Clear milestones will be seen and the reader will feel that ground is being covered.


4: The proof

Provide evidence to back-up your arguments. 

This can be one or more of the below: 

  • Case study 
  • Testimonial 
  • Photographs 
  • Fact sheets 
  • Table of figures 
  • Reference to other documents or websites

5: The consequences

From a business perspective, identify the main differences between where they should be and where the visitor currently stands. 

Be explicit in defining what the visitor would be losing if they took no action. If you have already graphically expressed your benefits in terms of gaining momentum, you can also use lost time as a consequence.


6: The summary

Consider the most important part of the message you want them to remember. 

Rephrase these most important benefits to drive the point home.

Front-end marketing

7: The call to action

The call to action is the closing of the contract and outline the next step. 

If the purpose of the copy was well defined in the ‘promise’ section, and the ‘benefits’ section fulfilled the agenda, then the call to action will be the closing of the contract and outline the next step. 

The next step should be clear and logical and appear to be as simple as possible.

Marketing Workshops

Try our marketing workshops for FREE

The first FREE introductory workshop will cover the Business Posture section of the Strategy Builder training programme. 

This 45 minute call will cover the following areas: 

  • Splitting your marketing activities into customer acquisition and customer nurturing marketing strategies 
  • Add clarity to your objectives by asserting a well defined USP 
  • Generate a business posture by presenting value and results combined with your passion to deliver 

The complete workshop programme includes Marketing Analysis, Content Marketing, Information Architecture, Improving Communication and Measuring Success. These workshops can be arranged as 45 minute telephone / Zoom calls to be held once a week (a time and day that fits). Those companies who wish to take this further can arrange one-2-one training or join an existing workshop group held on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

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