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Front-end marketing

Front-end Marketing

How to Introduce a Successful Front-end Marketing Strategy.

Front-end marketing is all about customer acquisition. As the lifetime value of a customer will make the cost of acquisition relatively insignificant, you can focus on adventurous ways to attract your prospect to make that leap and give you a try. The experience they gain from your high quality products and services will mean they stay as long term customers.

The 3 key points to mastering successful front-end marketing are: 

  1. Make it irresistible so that your prospect cannot pass by without noticing you;
  2. Make the next step simple, clear, easy and risk free;
  3. Backup your marketing with information that substantiates your promise.
Free workshop

Create Irresistible offers

Consider what part or aspect of your offer you could make available for a substantially reduced price, or even free. 

Be adventurous and imaginative in your ideas. Create a long list and fine-tune them to a few good candidate offers you are happy to run with. 

Use direct response style copy to promote your offer ideas. The copy would be written specifically for a targeted customer type and provide enough information and proof to make the offer absolutely irresistible. 

Test these offers to find which ones appeal to your prospects.

Call to action

Create a compelling call to action

By identifying the customer type, you will know what reservations, what hesitations and what levels of resistance to buy that prospect will have. 

By making the next step small and risk-free, the prospect is more likely to be encouraged to give it a try. Provide impartial advice together with clear exit paths so that your prospect knows they can walk away at any moment. 

Examples of simple and risk-free next steps are subscribing to newsletters or email subscription services, or downloadable reports and fact-sheets.


Substantiate your promise

The offer must be backed by additional information that substantiates the promise and provides high levels of credibility. 

Once a prospect subscribes to the newsletter or enters their email in order to download a free report, they will be added to auto-responder follow-up emails to provide further information. The purpose of this is to satisfy the questions “Why should I buy from you?” and “Will this really work for me?”. 

You can then build up a strong portfolio of offers to make your investment in customer acquisition pay for itself many times over to produce an extremely successful and powerful front-end marketing strategy.

Lead generation

Lead Generation Strategies

Prepare your marketing strategies based on your passion, motive and differentiation.

Then you can confidently collect your own targeted list from your website or any advertising campaign. 

The enquiries can be intelligently captured, categorised and followed-up using smart marketing strategies.

No quibble warranty

Improving your Conversion rate

Measuring the success of your lead generation activities will help you improve and better define your ideal prospect type. 

By being as specific as you can when looking for prospects, your conversion rate can only improve. Most businesses do not measure their marketing and are doomed to repeat their failures until their enthusiasm withers. 

This is where all your hard work in preparing your front-end marketing strategies will start to deliver the results you are looking for. With the right planning, your passion, motive and differentiation will enable you to demonstrate the credibility you need to start attracting the right visitors who have the problems you can help solve. 

With direct response style marketing copy that contains as many benefits to your targeted prospects as you can think of, you’ll be able to provide compelling reasons for the right visitors to stay and encourage them to provide their contact details. 

By offering regular impartial and valuable information through newsletters and auto-responder email, you’ll be able to comprehensively follow-up all enquiries. Only by freely giving and sharing your help and advice, you’ll be able to gain the trust of the visitor and continue to build the relationship and eventually turn them to great customers. 

If you want to build your website on solid foundations and actually deliver results, then only by implementing these powerful marketing strategies will your website attract the strong leads for you to follow up with valuable information to win their trust.

Marketing Workshops

Try our marketing workshops for FREE

The first FREE introductory workshop will cover the Business Posture section of the Strategy Builder training programme. 

This 45 minute call will cover the following areas: 

  • Splitting your marketing activities into customer acquisition and customer nurturing marketing strategies 
  • Add clarity to your objectives by asserting a well defined USP 
  • Generate a business posture by presenting value and results combined with your passion to deliver 

The complete workshop programme includes Marketing Analysis, Content Marketing, Information Architecture, Improving Communication and Measuring Success. These workshops can be arranged as 45 minute telephone / Zoom calls to be held once a week (a time and day that fits). Those companies who wish to take this further can arrange one-2-one training or join an existing workshop group held on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

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