This, in turn, allows you to develop a website response that addresses each customer need / question.
This analysis is performed by considering individual customer types with a specific quality issue and identifying relevant scenarios that describe their situation.
These scenarios are then used to identify questions. From this, you can plan specific website reponses for each question. These responses may be represented as either website copy or for a case study.
By understanding your customers’ needs more fully and incorporating a repsonse to this understanding into your website, you can build confidence in the customer that, with you, they will get a higher level of service or better product than from anywhere else.
Use the columns in the table below to outline individual customer scenarios and possible website responses.
Customer | Quality Issue | Scenario | Questions | Response | |
Case study | Copy | ||||
Indicate your customer type eg Joe Public - limited technical knowledge
Pick up on quality issues identifed as part of the Customer Relationship Analysis and link these into particular customer types.
Describe possible scenarios for a given customer type
e.g. afraid to use credit card on the internet
Indicate posssible questions the customer may have for a given scenario.There are five key question types a customer is likely to ask…
Use these question types as a starting point and make them specific to your customer scenario e.g. How safe is it to buy goods over the internet?
Identify specific benefits which address these questions and corresponding copy or case study headlines.