You don’t understand my business…
We agree. This is why we want you to keep control of your website as only you have the knowledge, passion and skills to impress your customers. This is why you should never just hand over your website to a company that simply wants to take your hosting fee. Instead, we will help you tap into your passion, focus on your customers and use your website to position yourself in your market as a trusted, knowledgeable and helpful expert.
My business is different…
This is a surprisingly common comment. It seems everyone’s business is different and yet so many are the same. Business is a simple process that can be broken down to key areas that all businesses have in common.
But I don’t sell…
Yes there are a few businesses that don’t sell. Instead they pre-sell and then pass the lead onto either a showroom or the seller via an affiliate programme. The principles remain the same as you need to generate interest, create trust and then recommend instead of directly selling.
I really don’t sell…
There are a few very unusual businesses that don’t use their website as a promotional or lead-generating tool. Instead, their websites add additional value to their main business. For example, a lecturer or speaker may use their website to host additional course notes and worked examples. Such businesses should explore how they can expand the use of their website to position themselves in the market and get bookings as well as add value to them.